Browse Entities

Paterson, Reid and Bruce Limited (1966 - )



The company was formed by the February 1966 merger of Robert Reid & Co Ltd and Paterson Laing & Bruce Ltd as a direct subsidiary of Ralli Australia Pty Ltd. It was purchased by Grimley Ltd (Eastralian Securities Ltd since Sept 1970; ESCOR Ltd since Jan 1974) in July 1970 and continued operations as a subsidiary until 1979. Ceased trading in December 1979. An on-going division of the company continued trading under the name ESCOR Textiles Ltd until 1981, when ESCOR Ltd was delisted from the Stock Exchange


 1850s - 1860 J.C. Young & Company
        Ray Glaister & Company
        Paterson Palmer & Company
              - 1876 Paterson Ray Palmer & Company
                   1876 - Paterson, Laing and Company
                          Paterson, Laing and Bruce
                               1898 - 1901 Paterson Laing and Bruce Limited [I]
                                     1901 - 1903 Paterson, Laing and Bruce (1901) Limited
                                           1903 - 1966 Paterson, Laing and Bruce Limited [II]
                                           1919 - 1966 Robert Reid & Company Limited
                                                 1966 - Paterson, Reid and Bruce Limited

Bruce A. Smith