Browse Entities

Perth Building Society (1862 - 1987)

Western Australia


Founded in 1862 by Western Australian Attorney General G.F. Stone, Lt. Col. J. Bruce, Adjutant General W. Knight, Rev. G.P. Pownall and Magistrate H. Wakefield.

Amalgamated with the Hotham Permanent Building Society in 1987 to form the Challenge Bank Limited so as to meet government requirements for savings bank status.


 1862 - 1987 Perth Building Society
       1986 - Challenge Bank Limited

Archival resources

J.S. Battye Library of West Australian History, State Library of Western Australia

  • Perth Building Society records, 1862 - 1987, MN 1628; J.S. Battye Library of West Australian History, State Library of Western Australia. Details

Westpac Group Archives, (formerly Westpac Historical Services)

  • Challenge Bank Limited records, 1862 - 1999; Westpac Group Archives, (formerly Westpac Historical Services). Details

Bruce A. Smith