Browse Corporate Bodies - R
- R & I Bank
- see Rural & Industries Bank of Western Australia (1945 - 1994) - R. Fowler Limited
- R. Fricker & Company Limited
- R. Goldsbrough & Company (1855 - 1881)
- R. Goldsbrough & Company Limited (1881 - 1888)
- R. Monger & Company
- R. Towns & Company Pty Ltd
- R.A. McKillop & Company Limited
- R.C. Henderson (The Beehive) Pty Ltd
- R.J. Gilbertson Pty Ltd
- R.P. McInemey & Company Limited
- R.T.V. Services Pty Ltd
- Radio Station 2AAA FM
- Radio Station 3GL
- Radio Station 4QG
- Radio Station 5DN
- see Hume Broadcasters Limited - Raine & Horne Pty Ltd
- Ray Bladwell & Company Limited
- Ray Glaister & Company
- Raymond Terrace Co-operative Dairy and Produce Limited
- Reckitt and Colman Limited
- Red Comb Co-operative Society Limited
- Red Comb Egg Co-operative Society (1937 - )
- Regent Theatres Pty Ltd
- Regional Express Airlines (2002 - )
- Repco Limited
- Reschs Limited
- RESI Permanent Building Society (? - 1986)
- RESI-Statewide Building Society (1986 - 1989)
- Returned Soldiers Woollen and Worsted Co-operative Limited
- Rex
- see Regional Express Airlines (2002 - ) - Richard Cheetham and Company Proprietary (1894 - )
- Richards Industries Limited (1941 - 1947)
- Rigby Limited
- Ringarooma Co-operative Butter, Cheese and Bacon Factory Company Ltd (1908 - 1932)
- Rio Tinto-Zinc Mining Corporation
- River Murray Navigation Company
- Riverina Baking Co Pty Ltd
- Riverina Television Pty Ltd (1964 - )
- Riverina Wool, Hides and Produce Company
- Robert Gray, Son & Company
- Robert Harper & Company Pty Ltd (1896 - )
- Robert Reid & Company Limited (1919 - 1966)
- Roberts Limited
- Roberts, Stewart and Company Limited
- Robertson and Mullens Pty Ltd
- Robur Tea Company Limited (1928 - 1974)
- Rochester Co-operative Butter and Canning Company Limited (1912 - 1963)
- Rocke Tompsitt Co-operative ( - 1978)
- Rockhampton Aerial Services Limited
- Rockhampton Aerial Services Limited (1930 - 1936)
- Rockhampton Downs Pastoral Company Limited (1923 - 1945)
- Roma Mineral Oil Company
- Romavilla Vineyards Pty Ltd
- Rosebery Engine Works Limited
- Rosebery Lanolines Pty Ltd
- Rosenstamm Pty Ltd
- Rosewood Station
- see Hooker Pastoral Company - Ross Mining
- Ross Sandalwood
- Round Hill Dairy Company Ltd (1931 - 1936)
- Rover Australia Pty Ltd
- Royal Bank of Australasia and South Africa (1833 - 1837)
- Royal Bank of Queensland (1885 - 1917)
- The Royal Bank of Scotland Limited (1888 - 1927)
- Royal Insurance Company Limited
- Rundle, Dangar & Company
- Rural & Industries Bank of Western Australia (1945 - 1994)
- Rural Bank Limited (2009 - )
- Ruralco Limited (1997 - )
- RVN 2
- see Riverina Television Pty Ltd (1964 - ) - Rylands Brothers (Australia) Pty Ltd (1921 - )