Browse Corporate Bodies - C
- C A Loan and Finance Company
- C.J. Dennys & Company (1857 - 1875)
- Cable Makers Australia Pty Ltd
- Cabury Schweppes
- Cadbury Fry Pascall Australia Pty Ltd (1921 - 1971)
- Cadbury Pty Ltd (2009 - 2010)
- Cadbury Schweppes Australia Limited (1971 - 2009)
- Cairns Co-operative Weekly Penny Savings Bank Limited ( - 1999)
- Cairns Penny Bank Limited (1999 - 2003?)
- Cairns Penny Savings & Loans Limited (2003? - )
- Caledonian Collieries Limited (1913 - 1960)
- Caltex Oil (Australia) Pty Ltd
- Camden Park Estate Pty Ltd (1899 - )
- Campbell's Pottery
- Canberra Publishing Company
- Canberra Steam Laundry
- Candy Australia
- Canning Jarrah Timber Company (W.A.) Limited (1898 - 1902)
- Canowie Pastoral Company Limited
- Capital Building Society ( - 1992)
- Capral Aluminium Limited (1995 - )
- Cardiff Coal Mining Company Limited
- Carlton and United Breweries Limited (1907 - )
- Carlton and West End Brewery Limited (1889 - 1896)
- Carlton Brewery Limited (1896 - 1959?)
- Carlyle & Company [1959] Pty Ltd (1959? - 1971)
- The Cascade Brewery Company Limited (1883 - )
- Cash Orders (Amalgamated) Limited (1926 - 1952)
- Cassel Cyanide Company
- Castle Rock Whaling Company
- Castlemaine Brewery & Quinlan, Gray Company (Brisbane) Limited (1887 - 1928)
- Castlemaine Brewery & Wood Brothers & Company, Newcastle, New South Wales Limited (1887 - 1921)
- Castlemaine Brewery Company Limited, Melbourne (1885 - 1959?)
- Castlemaine Perkins Limited (1928 - )
- Central Brighton and Moorabbin Gas Company (1885 - 1887)
- Central Norseman Gold Corporation No Liability
- Central Queensland Meat Export Company Limited
- Central Queensland News Publishing Company
- Central Queensland Salt Industries Limited
- Challenge Bank Limited (1986 - )
- Charles Atkins & Company Limited (1896 - 1971)
- Charles Birks and Company Limited
- Charles Davis Limited (1911 - 1995)
- Charles Dowdell & Company
- Charles Grant (Holdings) Pty Ltd
- Charles L. Griffiths & Company
- Charles Mallen and Company
- Charles R. Gabb and Company Pty Ltd
- Chas Hardy & Company (1862 - 1924)
- Chateau Tahbilk
- Cheesman Doley Neighbour and Raffen Pty Ltd (1971 - 1978)
- Cheetham Salt Pty Ltd (1894 - )
- Chem-Buy Co-operative ( - 1982)
- Cheney Motor Company Limited
- Chew Corporation
- Chillago Company Limited (1905 - )
- Chillago Pty Ltd (1890s - 1898)
- Christian Jollie Smith & Company
- Chrysler Australia Limited (1951 - 1980?)
- Chrysler De Soto Distributors Limited (1947 - 1951)
- see The Commonwealth Industrial Gases Limited (1935 - )
- Circular Head Amalgamated Timber Pty Ltd
- Circular Head Timber and Kiln Seasoning Company
- Citicorp Australia Holdings Limited (1977 - )
- Citizens Life Assurance Company Limited (1886 - 1908)
- City and Suburban Permanent Building and Investment Society (1878 - 1921)
- The City Bank of Sydney (1863 - 1918)
- City Bank, Sydney
- see The City Bank of Sydney (1863 - 1918)
- City Building Society (1876 - )
- City Electric Light Company Limited (1905 - 1955)
- City Mutual Life Associated Society Limited (1879 - )
- City of Melbourne Gas and Coke Company (1850 - 1877)
- City of Newcastle Gas and Coke Company Limited
- see Newcastle Gas and Coke Company Limited (1866 - )
- Clarence and Richmond Rivers Steam Navigation Company
- Clarence, Richmond; Macleay Rivers Steam Navigation Company (1888 - 1891)
- Clarke & Company
- Clarkson Limited
- Clarkson Limited
- Clinton Phosphate Company
- Clondirisse Pastoral Company
- Clutha Development, Excelsior Collieries and Cokeworks Limited
- Clyde Company
- Clyde Company Wool Scourers
- Clyde Engineering Company Limited (1898 - 1949)
- Clyde Industries Limited (1949 - )
- Coal & Allied Industries Limited (1960 - )
- Coal and Bunkering Pty Ltd
- Coast SS Limited
- Coastal Dairy Company Pty Ltd (1933 - 1967)
- Coats Patons Employees' Mutual Benefit Society
- Cobb & Company (1854? - 1924?)
- Cobden & District Co-operative
- Coca-Cola Amatil Limited (1989 - )
- Coghlan and Tullochs Ballarat Brewing Company Pty Ltd (1895 - 1910)
- Cohuna Co-operative Milk Company (1905 - 1936)
- Coldstream Refrigeration Limited
- Coleraine and Western District Butter Factory Company Limited (1892 - 1951)
- Coles Myer Limited (1984 - )
- Collie Coal Company Limited
- Collingwood, Fitzroy and District Gas and Coke Company (1859 - 1877)
- Collins Brothers Pty Ltd
- Collins House Group
- Colonial Bank of Australasia Limited (1856 - 1918)
- Colonial First State Limited (2000 - )
- Colonial Gas Association Limited (1893 - 1953)
- Colonial Gold Company (1852 - 1857?)
- Colonial Limited (1996 - 2000)
- Colonial Mutual Life Assurance Society Limited (1873 - 1991)
- The Colonial Sugar Refining Company Limited (1855 - 1973)
- Colton, Palmer & Preston Limited
- Comalco Industries Pty Ltd (1960 - 1970)
- Comalco Limited (1970 - )
- Commercial Aviation Company (1919 - 1927)
- The Commercial Bank (1829 - 1884)
- Commercial Bank of Australia Limited (1866 - 1982)
- The Commercial Bank of Tasmania Limited (1832 - 1921)
- The Commercial Banking Company of Sydney Limited (1834 - 1981)
- Commercial Permanent Land and Building Society
- Commonwealth Board Mills Limited (1911 - 1926)
- The Commonwealth Industrial Gases Limited (1935 - )
- Commonwealth Oil Refineries Limited (1920 - 1959)
- Commonwealth Steel Company Limited
- Commonwealth Steel Products Limited (1918 - 1924)
- Commonwealth Woollen Mills
- Concrete Construction Group
- Condah Swamp Butter and Cheese Factory Company Limited (1901 - 1960)
- Confidence Gold Mining Company
- Connair Pty Ltd (1970 - 1980)
- Connellan Airways Limited (1943 - 1970)
- Connor, Doherty and Durack Pty Ltd
- Consolidated Gold Mining Areas No Liability (1944 - )
- Consolidated Investment Company Limited (1927)
- Consolidated Zinc Corporation Limited (1906? - )
- Consolidated Zinc Pty Ltd
- Convict Savings Bank (1828 - 1851)
- Conzinc Riotinto Australia Limited
- Coolamon Co-operative Society Limited
- Coolullah Company
- Coondle Sheep Dipping Association
- see Coondle Sheep Dipping Company (1911 - )
- Coondle Sheep Dipping Company (1911 - )
- Cooper River Pastoral Company Limited (1937 - 1996)
- Co-operative Building Society of South Australia (1900 - 1994)
- Co-operative Bulk Handling Limited
- Co-operative Housing Society
- Co-operative Insurance Company of Australia Limited (1911 - )
- Coreena Pastoral Company Pty Ltd (1888 - )
- Cornwall Bank (1828 - 1836)
- Cornwall Coal Company
- Council Management Services
- Country Producers' Selling Company Limited
- Countryman Newspaper
- County Building & Investment Company Limited
- County of Bourke Permanent Building and Investment Society (1875 - )
- Courtaulds (Australia) Limited (1949 - )
- Coutts (Home Hill) Pty Ltd
- Coutts Agencies
- Coutts Group of Companies
- Coutts Holdings Pty Ltd
- Coutts Pty Ltd
- Coutts Wholesale
- Cowell Bros & Company Limited
- Cowwarr Cheese and Butter Factory Company Limited (1897 - 1956)
- Cox Brothers (Australia) Limited (1928 - 1971)
- Cox Kay Pty Ltd (1892 - 1980)
- CRA Limited
- Crafters Hotel
- Cresco Fertilizers Limited (1920 - )
- Crompton & Sons Limited
- Crompton Bunyip Soaps Limited (c. 1955 - c. 1991)
- Crossover Co-operative Creamery and Butter Factory Limited (1894 - 1907)
- Crown Crystal Glass Pty Ltd
- Cruickshank Pty Ltd
- Cruickshank Typewriter Service (1920 - )
- Crusader Limited
- Crystal Cordial Company
- CSR Limited
- Cudgewa Dairy Company (1892 - 1973)
- Cumberland Paper Board Mills Limited (1912 - 1948)
- Currawong Publishing Company Pty Ltd